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Why Hire a Military Spouse?

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If you need some talking points for your next interview, check out CompTIA's blog. There's a post you will find helpful as it effectively answers the question, "Why Hire a Military Spouse?"

Here are some highlights of a recent RAND study, in conjunction with the National Defense Research Institute, that took a look at military spouse employment issues:
A Military Spouse:

  • Actually moves less than a traditional employee;
  • Is more likely to bring ethnic diversity to the workplace;
  • Is more educated than their average civilian counterpart -- many hold advanced degrees;
  • Stays with an employer as long or longer than a traditional employee;
  • Is part of a readily available workforce;
  • Claims responsibility for as much as 40 percent of the household income.

In addition, the military spouse embraces challenges, has emotional resilience, can deal with uncertainty and is comfortable with change.  They do not require benefits, are flexible, dedicated and loyal.

Read more: Step Up to Support our Military Spouses, Who Make Great Employees

by Nancy Hammervik
CompTIA Blog

See for more!

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