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Welcome To Macho Spouse

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Image for Welcome To Macho Spouse –, an online resource and informational hub for male military spouses. Macho Spouse is a positive, pro-active project designed to help guys deal with current military life issues  through the use of video, online networking and communication.


The videos contain interviews from current and former male military spouses, military family and relationship counselors, military spouse career and entrepreneur experts; as well as a variety of other individuals who have an in-depth knowledge of what it takes to be a happy, successful, strong, supportive person in military family life.

For the most part, we keep it informal, light and humorous here. We try to make things look good and presentable, but our focus is on getting information and resources to the civilian male military spouses around the world.

Read more about Where Does The Male Military Spouse Go For Information, Resources, Help?

Topics: civilian male military spouse military military life military family military spouse careers macho spouse resources