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Marine to SAHD: Milestones

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Image for Marine to SAHD: Milestones –

This article is a piece of information that has helped me capture milestones for my loved one who is always at work.  I know that it can be difficult so I hope this helps someone down the line.

I know that it has been awhile since I have written anything regarding Twin life, but here is why. MILESTONES! The girls are almost one and a half years old now and the milestones have been piling up. From saying their first words to walking and the list continues to grow each day.

As a stay at home da,d and the love of my life working during the day, it is expected that she will miss things in person. This can be depressing for our loved ones, but I have found that the smartphone is my best friend when it comes to this. I take pictures and videos constantly so she does not feel like she is missing everything.

As male military spouses, we have to understand that we are that small percent, as our wives are in the military community. We miss out on special time with our wives because they work, and they miss out on milestones and this can be daunting for some. We can use our smartphones for good and show them that we do care and we understand the sacrifices they make.

I hope this helps any dad out there having trouble showing their wife that they do love them and understand. This has helped me with my twin girls and my marriage. I just hope it helps someone else out there.


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Andrew Andrew “Fergie” Ferguson

Andrew "Fergie" Ferguson is a disabled Marine Veteran, male military spouse and Stay-At-Home-Dad (SAHD), sharing his progression from Marine to SAHD and giving back to new dads like himself, mostly with multiples.


Topics: Marine to SAHD andrew ferguson military family dad father father's day smart phone