What is Fisher House?
Fisher House Foundation builds comfort homes where military & veterans families can stay free of charge, while a loved one is in the hospital.
These homes are located at military and VA medical centers around the world.
How many Fisher Houses are there?
88 Fisher Houses
Overview of Fisher House™ Program
As of April 2020, there are 88 Fisher Houses internationally located on military installations and VA medical facilities. Jul 22, 2020
How do I donate to Fisher House?
You can support the Fisher House program in lieu of gifts on a special occasion. Please call (888) 294-8560 or email donations@fisherhouse.org to set up the fund.
Military Families Appreciation Month
November is Military Families Appreciation Month, and the 2014 Armed Forces Insurance Branch Spouses of the Year (Branch SOYs) want to help everyone, everywhere participate in thanking and honoring military families.
Americans love our military, but many people don't quite know how best to express their gratitude. As National Guard Spouse of the Year Dr. Ingrid Herrera-Yee notes, “saying "thanks" to our military families is something that many want to do, but are at a loss as to how to do it –or in the case of Guard and Reserve, how to find us!”
#30Ways of Thanks
So the Branch SOYs created #30Ways of Thanks to help. Each day in November, the Branch SOYs will release a video with an action item that people around the country can participate in virtually or locally, individually or in groups. Participants can hash tag #30Ways so that their messages, photos, or videos are spread far and wide. Hash tags #GratefulNation and #MilFamsRock can also be added as a short-hand way to say “You are amazing, military families!” Best of all, the entire #30Ways video collection will be stored on the Branch SOYs' YouTube channel so that it can be repeated in Novembers to come, or whenever someone is looking for a way to say “thank you” to military families.