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Marine to SAHD: My 6 Rules for Twins

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As I stated in my introduction, I couldn't have been more wrong in my life about being bored. With twins everything is times two, sounds simple right? Not exactly.

I STRONGLY suggest to anyone who has twins to create a simple set of rules and follow them. For example, here are the rules I created for me and my girls:

Rule #1: Do NOT try to feed them at the same time or you will stress out your rotator cuff. I did.

Rule #2: Invest in swings, they are amazing, but your kids will outgrow them quickly so have a backup plan. (Mine is a pack and play until the girls have head control, then it can serve as a bouncer).

Rule #3: Set a time limit on feeding them, do not rush, but don't take up a lot of time either. (My time limit is 30-45mins per baby).

Rule #4: Set up a feeding schedule if you can. Most parents of twins say they try this, but fail. However, I have found success, so I'm guessing feeding schedule issues must be different for everyone. (I will post my feeding schedule down below)

Rule #5: Set up an activities schedule for the babies (tummy time, sitting up exercise, etc.).

Rule #6: ALWAYS have a diaper bag packed with all the essentials for those last minute trips to the store and/or emergencies.

That's about it, but I'm sure this list will grow as the years pass. Until then, my rules keep me focused so I can get stuff done around the house, or run errands when I need to.

Now, here is a simple version of my feeding schedule (Rule #4).

  • Feed Laina at 8:00 AM. Feed Ayla at 8:30 AM (Time varies with diaper changes)
  • 12 Noon, feed Ayla. 12:30, feed Laina.
  • 4:00 PM, feed Laina. 4:30 PM feed Ayla.
  • 8:00 PM feed Ayla. 8:30 PM feed Laina. Then off to the crib for bed time.
  • 4:00 AM, wake up and see if the girls are awake, if not then just a diaper change and back to bed.
  • Repeat…

With this schedule I can usually get the housework done and start dinner by the time my wife gets home. It may vary sometimes.

I'm not suggesting you keep on a daily schedule to become that awesome husband with twins, but I have to have one or I would be lost. If you are like me and need to have a schedule, remember, be flexible because schedules can change at a moment's notice.

So, if one of your twins wakes up 30 minutes early, don't panic, just try keeping him/her entertained until the other wakes. If that doesn't work, go ahead and change the diaper and start feeding.

Use the schedule as a guide, but be flexible. This type of stuff is all up to the parents, but this is what's working for me.


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Andrew Andrew “Fergie” Ferguson

Andrew "Fergie" Ferguson is a disabled Marine Veteran, male military spouse and Stay-At-Home-Dad (SAHD), sharing his progression from Marine to SAHD and giving back to new dads like himself, mostly with multiples.


Topics: stay at home dad Marine to SAHD Blog Andrew Ferguson marine twins advice military father military husband military dad