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SAHD Life: How The Male Military Spouse Stay At Home Dad can be Strong And Healthy Dad

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Image for SAHD Life: How The Male Military Spouse Stay At Home Dad can be Strong And Healthy Dad –

It's a S.A.H.D. Life!

When I chose to be a male military spouse stay at home dad, I was thinking of my family - my wife and daughter. The problem is that I was not as mindful about my health at the time.

Initially, I put more effort into researching what it meant to be a stay-at-home dad, than I did attending to my personal health and wellness.


Looking For Health Info

I get these "google alerts" every day, which are basically articles and posts from around the web related to certain keywords I want to monitor.

"SAHD" and "Stay-At-Home-Dad" are keywords I monitor and I have been getting a lot of results.

Much of the stuff that I'm seeing regarding SAHD is still in the "novelty" range, or the "Awww, that's cute" range.

I also check out websites that give the spouse's perspective - you know, the women who live with these dudes. These sites are way more interesting to me than the talk about the latest television show depicting stay at home dads (SAHDs).

What About Dad Health

Anyway, I haven't seen much about the health of SAHDs.

In all of my monitors and in all of the web surfing I've done on the topic of SAHDs, I have not come across any health-related posts. I find this very interesting.

I'm far from a being "health nut" and I'm not suggesting that SAHDs are somehow automatically proned to bad health. I just found the lack of posts on this subject interesting because of all of the recent research I have been doing.

As a SAHD, I'm concerned about my health and I'm looking for ways to improve my health, however possible.  

See Your Health A Different Way

My wife got me started looking at my health from a different perspective - that is, from her perspective and my daughter's. It boiled down to this:

I need to care about my health for my family's sake.

So, here I am as a SAHD, with more opportunity to really think on and implement ways of improving my family and myself.

I became more proactive when it comes to my health. 

Focus On Family

I hate hospitals and clinics.

Growing up, there was never anything good that came out of a hospital visit. But I make sure to go and get my annual physical.

I also set appointments and go whenever I'm not feeling right. Notice, I wrote "feeling right" - just my way of saying that something is really wrong, especially if I'm making the appointment and going on my own.

The point is that I do this keeping my wife and daughter in mind.

Exercise and Stay Active

Again, I'm no health nut, but I run a few miles and exercise a few times each week.

My TKD (Taekwondo) classes with my daughter are great exercise opportunities, but they also allow my daughter to see me in exercise mode. We just started a swim class at the YMCA, as a family. So again, my daughter can see how we approach health and fitness as a family.

My wife is an awesome role model for my daughter. She works out like a robot and runs marathons. In fact, we're going to Tulsa for the Route 66 Marathon to support mommy this weekend.

I'm not marathon material, but I figure that I can do what I can to show my daughter a healthier lifestyle.

Like I said, I'm constantly looking for ways to improve my health and fitness, but not for my sake.

Being A Strong And Healthy Dad is The Goal

When I think about the great opportunity I have now as a SAHD, to be so intimately involved in my daughter's everyday life, I want to do my best to help make sure that I'm healthy enough to be actively involved in her life years from now.

My goal is to make the SAHD stand for "Strong-And-Healthy-Dad" - at least for my daughter and my wife. 

Read the original post here.

male military spouse stay at home dad

stay at home dad health

healthy stay at home dad

military stay at home dad

military SAHD

healthy military spouse dad

stay at home dad

male military spouse health

healthy male military spouse



Taurus James is an Air Force male military spouse and stay-at-home-dad, minister, musician and composer of Moody instruMental Music. He is also professional IT Consultant and Web Developer with over ten years experience working within various industries. Find out more about Taurus through his blog:

"Faithwalk Music: Faith, Music and Life of a Moody instruMental Musician"

See for more!

Topics: stay at home dad health Stay At Home Dad Health healthy stay at home dad military stay at home dad military spouse dad SAHD healthy male military spouse



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