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Fusion TV Interview

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Image for Fusion TV Interview –

FusionLogo.pngA couple months ago, Bradley Blackburn and Joanna Suarez of Fusion TV (a joint cable/satellite TV network between Disney and ABC TV) stopped by the international Macho Spouse headquarters.  

Bradley Blackburn and Joanna Suarez of Fusion TV

We were very impressed with their level of genuine interest in telling not only Macho Spouse's story, but that of male military spouses. The finished product is outstanding, thank you Fusion, Bradley, and Joanna!  The story airs on October 30th in the evening (not sure the time), but if you can't find it on your worries, the link is below.  Make sure you leave a comment on their website after the story, if they see interest from the public, they may tell more military family stories in the future.

Topics: male military spouse macho spouse fusion tv chris pape bradley blackburn joanna suarez