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Operation Paws for Homes and Male Military Spouse Patrick Donaldson

Fellow male military spouse, Patrick Donaldson, is doing great things for Operation Paws for Homes.

Did you know OPH has currently saved over 2000 dogs? Patt's been working hard this holiday season organizing and sending care packages (K-Packs) to Military Working Dogs...hey, they're veterans too!

If you're a fellow dog-lover and want a unique way to help our service members, we recommend checking out Operation Paws for Homes. Thanks for all your hard work Patt!

Operation Paws for Homes is a dog rescue organization that understands dogs everywhere need love and support. In addition to our passion for these four legged creatures, OPH also support our troops and the Military Working Dogs that assist our troops in completing their mission both within our own ...

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Topics: Military Working Dogs Operation Paws for Homes