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MOAA Pushes for Legislationform Military Families

image for MOAA Pushes for Legislationform Military Families
Image for MOAA Pushes for Legislationform Military Families –

Learn why male military spouses and their families should pay attention and get involved with what MOAA is doing.  

Interviews with Karen Golden (Deputy Director, MOAA Government Relations) and Monique Rizer (Deputy Director, MOAA Spouse Programs).

Video Credit to MOAA Video Department for providing some b-roll footage.

Learn how MOAA is influentian un pushing Congress to pass lefislation fbeneficial to military families.

The Military Officers Association of America is the nation's largest and most influential association of military officers.  It is an independent, nonprofit, politically nonpartisan organization.  

They are the leading voice on compensation and benefit matters for all members of the military community, and are a powerful force speaking for a strong national defense and representing the interests of military officers at every stage of their careers. 


From The Video

The Military Officers Association of America is all about

influential newspaper here in Washington DC in the area and we are the only organisation on that list

We have an excellent track record to the legislative issues are at the core of what we do. We win legislation for military families.

The greatest threat to military ommunity right now is the fiscal crisis our country finds itself in. We're facing a tremendous deficit and budget have to be cut and savings found.

Unfortunately Congress right now appears to be very partisan and they are having a very difficult time agreeing where these savings need to come from.

I think the greatest threat facing a military family is the threat to pay to benefits and to the retirement system as we know it.

You do have to be going on at the state level with what is going on for being gauged at the national level and you can be engaged room MOA get onto our website tracker legislative issues sending your messages

Your voice does matter are our tagline is one powerful voice.

We truly are when we put our voices together collectively.

Truly We Are One powerful voice and we can effect change for the positive in our community,

You're not alone. You do have a voice.

Sometimes the biggest part of my job is simply educating our elected officials on what it means to be a military family member male or female. I believe both male and female should be concerned about is it you do have a voice you do have a say in legislation that impacts the family .

Topics: legislation MOAA Karen Golden Monique Rizer video



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