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Macho Spouse Chris Pape to Represent Male Military Spouses at MOAA Military Spouse Symposium

image for Macho Spouse Chris Pape to Represent Male Military Spouses at MOAA Military Spouse Symposium
Image for Macho Spouse Chris Pape to Represent Male Military Spouses at MOAA Military Spouse Symposium –

Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)This Friday, Macho Spouse Chris Pape will represent male military spouses at the 7th annual Military Spouse Symposium hosted by our friends at the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA). Chris will be one of the featured speakers at the event to talk about the support network for male military spouses we have here at Macho Spouse.

Military spouses, service members and veterans are invited to attend the 2013 MOAA Military Spouse Symposium “Keeping a Career on the Move,”  hosted by the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA).

White House - Joining ForcesNow, this is a big deal! How big of a deal is it? Well, it was enough to catch the interest of the White House. CAPT Todd Veazie, Executive Director of Joining Forces in the Office of the First Lady, posted this article about Targeted Career Advice for Military Spouses in the Pacific Northwest.

MOAA recognizes the importance of gainful, meaningful employment to military spouses and military families as a whole. This symposium is free and open to all military spouses - all ranks, active duty, retired, Reserve and National Guard. Plus, veterans and service members are also welcome.

There is still time to register for the 7th annual Military Spouse Symposium to be held in Tacoma, Washington from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, February 8, at the University of Washington Tacoma (Philip Hall) 1918 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Wash., 98402.

See for more!

Topics: male military spouses Macho Spouse Chris Pape MOAA Military Spouse Symposium Military Officers Association of America employment career Joining Forces White House First Lady