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K9s for Warriors PTSD treatment for Veterans

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Image for K9s for Warriors PTSD treatment for Veterans –

Here's an article, showing a new avenue in PTSD treatment devoid of pharmaceuticals.

Purdue and K9s for Warriors are conducting new studies with veterans suffering from PTSD. K9s rescues, trains, then pairs service dogs with veterans and have a 99% success rate among graduates. 

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K9s For Warriors is a BBB accredited charity organization located in Ponte Vedra, Florida, that has been pairing rescue dogs with traumatized soldiers since 2011. The dogs are trained to be service dogs, specifically performing tasks to quiet the symptoms of war trauma disabilities in soldiers. 

“The skillsets our dogs learn help these warriors with anxiety, isolation, depression, and nightmares,” says Shari Duval, the founder of K9s For Warriors. “So, the warriors can function again in public.”

Specifically, the dogs are trained to deal with symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), or military sexual trauma (MST), as a result of military service on or after 9/11.




See for more!

Topics: ptsd treatment K9 service dogs Purdue study



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