Anyway, the post, Military Wife On The Mic: The Biggest Misconception About Military Life, has a video of Army wife and "Lifetime Mom", Angela Caban, at the 2013 Spouse Summit.
In the video, Angela asks several military wives, "How would you feel if your child wanted to enlist in the military?"
Since I know that many of you probably won't venture over to the Lifetime website, I decided to bring the question to you.
So, here is the question again for you male military spouses.
How would you feel if your child wanted to enlist in the military?
Before I give my response, I point out that I have a little bit of a military background.
I attended the US Air Force Academy and the US Air Fotrce Academy Preparatory School. My dad served in the Army in Vietnam.
I wasn't a military child and I didn't move around or live on any military installation groeing up. However, I had prior experiences and exposure to military life before becoming a male military spouse.
Go For It!
My wife and I don't hesitate in saying that we would feel proud if our daughter chooses to enter the military. We're both like, "Go for it!"
My daughter will be 8 years old this month. She has already toured the Air Force Academy with her mom and dad and walked on the marble strips we ran on as freshmen cadets.
With us, we let our daughter know that she is not expected to go to the Academy, but we let her know that we're cool with the military as an option in her future.
Possible Impacting Factors
I think that my wife and I have combined experiences and exposure to the military that allow us to have such a response. In a similar way, I think that it may be harder for a male military spouse to give the same response without prior experiece/exposure to the military before becoming a male military spouse.
Also, I think the child's gender might impact a male military spouse's response (how he feelss) to some degree. Of course, I may be wrong, and that's what I want to try and find out via this post.
So, what do you think?
Does prior military experience/exposure impact how you feel about your child enlisting?
Does your child's gender impact how you feel about your child enlisting?
Give us a quick answer below.
Read more: Military Wife On The Mic: The Biggest Misconception About Military Life
Taurus James is an Air Force, civilian male military spouse and stay-at-home-dad, minister, musician and composer of Moody instruMental Music. He is also professional IT Consultant and Web Developer with over ten years experience working within various industries. Find out more about Taurus through his blog:
"Faithwalk Music: Faith, Music and Life of a Moody instruMental Musician"
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