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FRG Key Spouse Question

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Hey guys, here's a question from fellow male spouse Dave Etter. Anyone have some input?


OK, gentlemen, different direction on this question: what have your frg/key spouse/ombudsman done to try and get you, the man spouse, to participate? Details and reactions, please....

Dan GThang Absolutely zero. Haven't ever heard from our current command rep/person.
Juan Lopez
Juan Lopez Nothing
James Schmidt
James Schmidt FRG leaders when my wife was deployed asked me to not participate.
October 20, 2014 at 9:54am · Like · 1 · Message
Chris Pape
Chris Pape They asked you NOT to participate James? Why is that?
Patrick Patt Donaldson
Patrick Patt Donaldson I've never been apart of a command sponsored group where my wife is stationed. I'm not even sure they have any such group.
October 20, 2014 at 10:20am · Like · 1 · Message
James Schmidt
James Schmidt A month into the deployment we were having playdates every weekend as we all had toddlers. I sent a video to my wife with our son playing with everyones kids. Her commander saw the video and became upset that his wife was hanging out with a man while he was gone. So he had the FRG leaders request that I not come to anymore functions and only communicated via email.
October 20, 2014 at 10:23am · Like · 1 · Message
Joe Smith
Joe Smith I do not exist with the current command my wife is assigned to.
October 20, 2014 at 10:42am · Like · 1 · Message
Drew Drizkil
Drew Drizkil Nothing, we are about to PCS so I think I will nose my way in at our next stop hopefully make some things better
Dan Cornell
Dan Cornell Lololololol. In 20 years I've NEVER been approached for family anything. Male spouses don't exist. We are ghosts or a threat to the bee hive.
October 20, 2014 at 11:54am · Edited · Like · 1 · Message
Ray Swindale
Ray Swindale Current FRG, nothing. In fact several of them, including the FRG leader told me before this deployment I wasn't welcome as part of the FRG. In the half dozen other units my wife has belonged to over the years I have had two that I helped rebuild only to be asked to leave, three that I have gone to meetings/events and actually had someone else talk to me, and the final two didn't even know I existed.
Alice Swan
Alice Swan Oh guys, it is so sad reading your responses. But foremost, no one can tell you not to be involved or that you are not a welcome member of the group. If that happens, the commander needs to be informed since the FRG belongs to the commander, not the vo...See More
October 20, 2014 at 1:38pm · Like · 3 · Message
Shelley Wegele Kunkel
Shelley Wegele Kunkel Wayne Perry thank you for the appreciation! I am truly thankful for you and all of the A-CO 116inf spouses. I valued being an FRG leader. I did things the way I thought I wanted to be treated and communicated with. Yes, it is the "Captains" FRG...See More
October 20, 2014 at 2:29pm · Like · 1 · Message
Melissa Willis-Reum
Melissa Willis-Reum No one can tell you to not be involved and you don't need to wait for an invitation to attend an FRG meeting. We didn't have any husband's in my husband's last squadron... but we did have a few Dad's of sailors attend our FRG meetings and all events. ...See More
October 20, 2014 at 3:43pm · Like · 1 · Message
Kody Edwards
Kody Edwards FRG? I thought those were only in fairy tales
Gerald Zeigler
Gerald Zeigler Nothing, but that is the way I like it.
O'Driscoll Sean
O'Driscoll Sean Nothing really. You say we can join anytime and we dont need a special "invitation" to join but when the flyers of upcoming events are pink with high heels and the word "military wives" is on it, how do you think we feel? That doesn't sound very fun nor inviting to me.
October 20, 2014 at 4:18pm · Like · 1 · Message
Michael Allen
Michael Allen Nothing, zero!!!
Tricia Morey Hemcher
Tricia Morey Hemcher Patrick Patt Donaldson ... too bad you werent on NIMITX when I wad ombudsman. We rocked! smile emoticon. Also. Friend from Navy who just did an amazing job getting one started had some thoughts. :0) Melissa Willis-Reum
October 20, 2014 at 9:19pm · Like · 1 · Message
Ed Adams
Ed Adams Try to get other guys involved, but currently in our spouses groups there are 2 including myself. After 24 years active duty, the only way I am a part of the community anymore (without actually going back to work) is to get involved with the other spo...See More
October 21, 2014 at 8:14am · Like · 1 · Message
Phillip Eskridge
Phillip Eskridge nothing really, but that's the same with the female spouses as well
Mark Smurda
Mark Smurda I am a KS Mentor. I try to get more guys into the Spouses Club or PTA (school is on base) rather than the KS program. I DO try and push Heart Link though, and not just for the guys. And I echo Ed's comment - it's not "wife", it's "spouse"!! I also help admin the base Key Spouse FB page and Spouses' Club FB Group.
Image: Photo by Samantha Lam on Unsplash

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Topics: FRG Key Spouse