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Community Map Discontinued

Community Map Discontinued

2018/07/17 - The Male Military Spouse Community Map is discontinued. Googlehas moved to a paid model for using Google Maps.

Details below.

Check The Men's Room to find out where other male military spouses are located.

Contact me if you run into any issues while using the site.



The following is taken from:


From July 16th 2018 Google will implement a pricing plan with the introduction of the new Google Maps Platform.

The 18 individual APIs that Google Maps currently uses will be rolled into three categories:

  • Maps: Street view, customised dynamic maps and 360° views.
  • Routes: Directions and traffic
  • Places: Addresses, reviews and location names.

This change matters if you currently use Google maps on your website or want people to find your business with Google maps.

  • Do you have a Google map on your contact page?
  • Do you use Google maps on your store location pages?
  • Do you want people to find your business on Google maps and get contact details, directions, reviews, ratings and more?
  • Do you have a location based website app?

Then, you may need to pay to use this service.

Can I still use Google Maps for free?
From June 11, 2018, you will get $200 free usage every month of Maps, Routes or Places. Most smaller websites will be able to continue using Google Maps for free.

What happens if I exceed the $200 monthly free credit?
You only pay for what you use. Click here to view pricing details.

What do you need to do?

  1. Whether you have a simple Google map embedded on your website's contact page or a location based website application, you need to create a billing account with Google. When your monthly usage is over $200, you will be charged according to their new pricing structure.
  2. You need valid API keys to continue using Google maps.

What happens if I don't do anything? 
If you do not enable billing with your credit card and don't have valid API keys for your website/s, then Google Maps will stop working. Google Maps will be greyed out and will be covered with a watermark.

Contact us now to find out how these changes will impact your business and how we can help you.

See for more!