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2 months or 60 days or 1,440 hours or 86,400 minutes or 5,184,000 seconds

image for 2 months or 60 days or 1,440 hours or 86,400 minutes or 5,184,000 seconds
Image for 2 months or 60 days or 1,440 hours or 86,400 minutes or 5,184,000 seconds – Dee Young

I'm finally over the two month hump and I honestly feel like I've accomplished something! This is the longest that we've been apart since we've been married and the longest I've ever had our daughter by myself.

The house, while not quite up to her standards, doesn't exactly look like a tornado's blown through either. I think she has little fairy helpers or something, because I don't know how she managed to work a full day, do our daughter's hair, wash/fold clothes, and still get a decent amount of rest. I helped out a little, but this experience has really shown me how much I hadn't been doing all these years!

I've come to the conclusion that the ability to communicate using various internet resources could possibly be some sort of enemy ploy to drive me crazy! I didn't realize that internet speeds as slow as they have over there still existed. Most of the time, it's just enough to tease you into thinking that you're going to be able to have a decent video chatting session. Other times, it just cuts out for no reason and you're left wondering if everything is ok. And then, there are the days when you don't hear anything at all, not even a quick message to say “I love you”. Those are the worst. Sometimes I wish things were like when my Dad deployed to Desert Storm and all you really had were letters in the mail, video tapes sent back and forth, and the occasional phone call. That way I wouldn't worry as much if I didn't hear from her for a day or two. Technology creates unreal expectations and can sometimes make you forget that it's still a war zone and communication will never be normal.

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Topics: deployment Dee Young Real Life Roland stay at home dad depression



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